

1.  Quality of Life

Quality of life is more important than standard of Living

Standard of Living

Standard of living generally refers to the level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to a certain socio   economic class, in a certain geographic area. An evaluation of standard of living commonly includes the following factors like

 Income and poverty rate 
 Quality and availability of employment
Gross domestic product (GDP)and inflation rate 
 Life expectancy 
 Infrastructure  and national economic growth 
Environmental quality and safety.

When you think about standard of living, you can think about things that are easy to quantify.

Quality of Life

Quality of life is more subjective and intangible. The list of factors that can be considered in evaluating and measuring  the quality of life includes many things
Mental and physical freedom 
Freedom of movement and right to be treated equally without regard , gender, race, language, religion, political beliefs, nationality, socioeconomic status and more
Right to privacy, freedom of thought  and right to human dignity

The main difference between standard of living and quality of life is that the former is more objective, while the latter is more subjective.

First and foremost the quality to life comes with the healthy and good family relations and bondings. If one’s relations are not sound and progressive, the money and economic conditions won’t provide you mental peace and satisfaction. To live a good life one needs   love and respect among the family members to give the quality to the life. Ethical Humanism is primarily an attitude about human beings, their worth, and the significance of their lives. It is concerned with the nature and quality of living; the character and creativity of our relationships. Because of this concern, humanism spontaneously flowers into a spiritual movement in its own right.

Money is not everything . It is the root cause of many evils. Quality of life is based on morals and values one have. It is the mirror of one’s personality. Without maintaining the quality and good personal  conduct, society will face a severe downfall. Quality in life is reflected in one’s thoughts and attitude. Therefore quality of life is the pillar of society and mankind.

Today our youth is inclined towards all sorts of evils like false pretence, fakeness, lies and  greed. To control such tendencies we needs to inculcate the quality of life in youth. They should be away from selfishness and greed. The security of our country and self  depends upon the devoted and strong youths.. They should understand the importance of freedom, equality, love and respect among each other and towards all members of society. Thus quality of life is more important than standard of living.

One has to observe self control and  be more concern towards the development of mind and body. Healthy mind and body is more important for the development. The  rights to work in serene environment. One can be more creative and progressive when there is quality. Quality  always exceeds over the quantity. What one can do with increased standard of living , when he has no time for other parts of life . Standard of living might give superficial hike to one’s living. The real growth of a person lies within the quality of life.

Standard of living is somewhat of a flawed indicator of a happy life. You can freely set the standard of living for yourself and your own expectations for yourself and your future. When you realize you set the standards, both meanings, you find yourself in a position, where your quality of life is always obtained.
we've all implicitly assumed that it's a "good thing" to do that, because we come from a background where we've seen the benefits to our lives by doing things to measurably improve the economy.

However, focusing just on measurables can only bring us so far., our needs in life are roughly ordered as Body, Security, Social, and Ego.
Today, our body and security needs can be reasonably met, because those are the precisely the needs tracked by our standard of living, and therefore been improved over the last couple centuries. Today, we need to be  more concerned with things like having good social and personal relations and  finding a meaningful purpose in life .

We must promote the quality of human life as a primary paramount goal and employ the utmost of our wisdom, judgment, and faculty to that end. A healthy economy matters only to  promotes human happiness on materialistic basis . The quality of human living is more important than the arbitrary value of any measurable quantity. During the lower stages of human development, material ambitions and an egotistical nature are justified because they drive us onwards and upwards. But once we have progressed beyond the lower stages we no longer have any use for those motives and they are gradually eliminated from our being. 

Eventually we come to realise that nothing outside of us can bring lasting peace or satisfaction, and that the only way we can achieve these is to develop our consciousness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wah wah!
ati uttam vichaar hai aapke..